Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why Socialism Is a World Without God

Today I realized something. Socialism is literally life without God. The leaders of a socialist nation believe that they are God. They decide who lives and who dies, they are omnipresent, try to be omniscient, and they believe they know what is best for everyone!
Have you ever noticed how left wingers are firm on abortion being a persons right but yet we can't eat animals!!! So we can kill a human being and just discard them or if the abortion fails and the baby is born anyway let it starve, but we can't kill a cow to feed humans????
The animal kingdom is blunt and cruel at times. When an animal gives birth to a sick offspring they either eat it or let it starve. If an animal is weak and holding back the pack they will all attack that weak animal so they won't be held back. Now, animals themselves are not cruel. The way they live is necessary to keep things working correctly. But here is the problem; God made us in HIS image and that is what seperates us from the rest of the animal kingdom!!!
We experience love, and grace, anger, empathy, serving one another by giving help to the person who needs more help. We use our heart instead of our head in many situations because God made us to be compassionate and to be like him.
The socialist, liberals, whatever you want to call them give animals the same rights as humans! They do not believe that we are set apart from the other animals bc they do not believe that we were made in Gods image. Socialists behave just as the rest of the animal kingdom. They feel that they should do what is for the betterment of all and whatever is necessary to survive. If that means killing disabled people, old people, and unwanted babies (slow the pack down) then so be it!
So my point is that socialists live life as if their is no God! So this is actually the perfect vessel for an "Anti-Christ" world. These people think that they are caring but the fact is they are all lost and time is running out.