This blog is interesting, check it out:
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Beast Site
This site has some interesting stuff but I think they have harsh words so take this with a grain of salt and let me know your take on it
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Barack Obama Begins Push for Middle East Peace

**Many Christians believe that the treaty signed between the Antichrist and God's people (Jews) will usher in the 7 year tribulation. Well, Obama is going after that agressively!
Ewen MacAskill in Washington
The Guardian, Wednesday 22 April 2009
Article history
Barack Obama is to invite Israeli, Palestinian and Egyptian leaders to the White House within the next two months in a fresh push for Middle East peace.
Obama, speaking at the White House yesterday, said there was a need to try to rise above the cynicism about prospects for peace. The decision appeared to mark the end of a debate within the Obama administration between those who argued in favour of devoting time and energy to trying to resolve the conflict and those who argued it was a blind alley.
Meeting King Abdullah of Jordan at the White House yesterday, Obama said he hoped "gestures of good faith" would be made "on all sides" in the coming months. He did not say what these gestures, intended as confidence-building measures, would amount to.
The three leaders are being invited for separate talks rather than round-table negotiations. The aim is to complete all three visits before Obama goes to France for the D-Day anniversary on 6 June.
The chances of a deal in the short term appear slim and Obama yesterday acknowledged that circumstances in Israel and the Palestinian territories were not conducive to peace. "Unfortunately, right now what we've seen not just in Israel, but within the Palestinian territories, among the Arab states, worldwide, is a profound cynicism about the possibility of any progress being made whatsoever," he said.
"What we want to do is to step back from the abyss, to say, as hard as it is, as difficult as it may be, the prospect of peace still exists, but it's going to require some hard choices."
His push comes against a background of the devastation of Gaza by Israeli forces last year and continued infighting among Palestinian factions. The hardline Israeli coalition that emerged from the February elections includes as foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, who opposes swapping land for peace.
Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, said the meetings were likely to take place before the president goes to France. "With each of them the president will discuss ways the United States can strengthen and deepen our partnerships with them, as well as the steps all parties must take to achieve peace between Israel and the Palestinians and Israel and the Arab states," Gibbs told a news conference
Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, has been pencilled in for a visit to the White House in the middle of next month. Netanyahu, since becoming prime minister, has refused to acknowledge the right of the Palestinians to a state of their own, as his predecessor had. But Obama yesterday stated firmly his commitment to the creation of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel.
Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, is to make a separate visit, as is the Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak. Egypt has been acting as a go-between between Abbas, who controls the West Bank, and Hamas, which controls Gaza.
The White House meetings could amount to the start of the biggest US push for peace since a half-hearted one by George Bush, who held a conference at Annapolis, Maryland, in 2007 and Bill Clinton's belated effort at the Camp David summit in 2000 and Taba in Egypt in 2001.The US has failed to achieve any major peace agreement in the Middle East since Jimmy Carter brokered the Israeli-Egyptian treaty in 1979.
Obama appears to have come round to the view of advisers that the US will effectively have to impose much of any deal on Israel and the Palestinians rather than wait for one to emerge from the two sides. He said yesterday: "I agree that we can't talk forever, that at some point steps have to be taken so that people can see progress on the ground. And that will be something that we will expect to take place in the coming months.
"My hope would be that over the next several months, that you start seeing gestures of good faith on all sides. I don't want to get into the details of what those gestures might be, but I think that the parties in the region probably have a pretty good recognition of what intermediate steps could be taken as confidence-building measures."
In a symbolic move intended to show that he seeks to be more of an honest broker than Clinton or Bush, Obama, on his first day in office, phoned Abbas before he phoned Ehud Olmert, then Israeli prime minister. He was also demonstrating that he was prepared to become involved from day one rather than, as his predecessors had done, leaving the issue to the tail end of his presidency.
There is More Than Meets The Eye

In this image taken with a cell phone by Jason McLane, the primary presidential aircraft, a Boeing 747 known as Air Force One when the president is aboard, flies low over New York Harbor, followed by an F-16 chase plane during a federal government photo op Monday, April 27, 2009. (AP)
I know this sounds like Conspiracy Theory 101 but I have this gut feeling that this fly over New York was more than it seemed. First of all I think whoever did this is not stupid but is cruel! I really believe that they enjoyed watching the people be scared out of their minds, it is a control tactic. And of course Obama knew nothing about it. Yeah Right! Why would they want a photo-op of Air Force One near "ground zero" they say it was for the Statue of Liberty to be in the background but I don't buy it! They are probably going to say later that someone "hijacked" air-force one and play the tape of this photo-op or say that there are insurgents in the military that were trying to shoot down air force one and that's why the fighter jets were following it. Then a "Mark" of loyalty will be required to weed out the "enemies." We obviously won't hear anything about it for a while because people will have to forget about it first, but watch, I bet something else will happen concerning this! I obviously could be wrong but I can just tell that something is fishy.
What I Think About NLP

Many people have been talking about NLP.
This is a type of "conversational" hypnosis, developed by Dr. Milton Erickson M.D, that can be used on people without there knowledge while they are awake. "Obama's techniques are the height of deception and psychological manipulation, remaining hidden because one must understand the science behind the language patterns in order to spot them."(An Examination of Obama's Use of Hidden Hypnosis...) So in other words he is deceiving us into loving him. That is exactly what Nicolea Carpathia(Antichrist) does in the "Left Behind" books. He stares deep into peoples eyes and brainwashes them.
This is a type of "conversational" hypnosis, developed by Dr. Milton Erickson M.D, that can be used on people without there knowledge while they are awake. "Obama's techniques are the height of deception and psychological manipulation, remaining hidden because one must understand the science behind the language patterns in order to spot them."(An Examination of Obama's Use of Hidden Hypnosis...) So in other words he is deceiving us into loving him. That is exactly what Nicolea Carpathia(Antichrist) does in the "Left Behind" books. He stares deep into peoples eyes and brainwashes them.
I printed out this 60 page report and started reading, then it came to me. Does it really matter how he's doing it? We all know that he is the Antichrist and is deceptive, so does it really matter what the technique he uses is? It is obvious that we (Christians) are being protected from his hypnosis by God?
We are passed the physical things and are into the supernatural. The techniques of his manipulation are proven, yes, but did he study this way of hypnosis and become a master at it or do you think he is being used as a puppet by the evil one, or even by God to fulfill his plan? No matter which one is true we are obviously being protected by God. Have we studied this technique of manipulation or are we so far above everyone else intellectually that we know how to NOT be hypnotised? No. So God must be shielding some people from it and giving others feelings to go towards it(Obama).
I guess my point is, lets not get caught up in the minutia and instead let's focus on the more global picture in relation to the scriptures and prophecies.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Earthquake Shakes Buildings in Mexico City

Monday, April 27, 2009
April 27: People are evacuated from their buildings wearing surgical masks after an earthquake in Mexico City.
A powerful earthquake rocked tall buildings in Mexico's capital, sending office workers down stairways into the streets.
The 5.6-magnitude quake was centered near Chilpancingo, about 130 miles southwest of Mexico City or 50 miles from the resort of Acapulco, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
Click here for photos.
Sources in Mexico City told FOX News the ground shook for just a few seconds and then stopped.
There were no signs of immediate damage.
The quake rattled nerves in a city already nervous about a swine flu outbreak suspected of killing as many as 149 people nationwide.
"I'm scared," said Sarai Luna Pajas, a 22-year-old social services worker standing outside her office building moments after it hit. "We Mexicans are not used to living with so much fear, but all that is happening — the economic crisis, the illnesses and now this — it feels like the Apocalypse."
Co-worker Harold Gutierrez, 21, said the country was taking comfort from its religious faith, but he too was gripped by the sensation that the world might be coming to an end.
"If it is, it is God's plan," Gutierrez said, speaking over a green mask he wore to ward off swine flu.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
"Hugo Chavez the Latest Leader to Fall Under Barack Obamas Spell"

Quotes from the article at
Even Hugo Chávez, who once called George Bush the devil, appears to have fallen under the spell of Barack Obama.
"I want to be your friend," the populist Venezuelan leader told the US president at the summit of the Americas in Port of Spain, Trinidad,
What is striking, though, is the amount of goodwill that Obama has generated wherever he goes, from US troops in Baghdad, crowds in Istanbul and now fellow leaders in Latin America.
Even Daniel Ortega, the Nicaraguan leader who was a thorn in the side of Ronald Reagan, introduced himself to Obama.
The most telling indication so far of Obama's political effectiveness in diplomatic terms is that he is forcing others to play on his terms. Just like a superior tennis player, he is dictating play. He is moving his opponents around the court, not the other way round.
Take Iran. Ahmadinejad has had to change his tune. With presidential elections coming up, the Iranian president is under fire for sticking to a hard line that helps perpetuate Iran's pariah status.
The situation between Israel and the Palestinians could suddenly deteriorate, putting Obama in a tight spot.
But for the time being, Obama is being given the benefit of the doubt by many leaders - carping from Nicolas Sarkozy aside - and is moving deftly to exploit the political capital he has aplenty in the bank.
Even Chávez, so long a darling among fellow Latin American leaders, knows he can only play second fiddle to Obama.
Posted by Mark Tran Saturday 18 April 2009 16.46 BST
Its All Happening Quicker Than We Thought!
Well, Obama was successful in getting support for the idea of a One World Economy. He and Sarkozy (Leader of France) big surprise, are all about this idea. Some people say that this will be set up and run by members of the G20. Well, 2 superpowers emerged from the G20 summit, U.S. and China. Remember I was told that China would play a big part in the end of the world.... however it starts out it, will end up being controlled by Obama(Beast). In Revelation it says that without the mark of the beast we will not be able to buy or sell so the mark will be required to take part in the "beasts" economic system.
I don't know how long we have until we get to that point (taking the mark) but it is coming, and some of my sources say it is coming way sooner than we think. We as Christians are going to have to start connecting with each other to have some kind of underground railroad and at least start communicating soon. But for now the most important thing that we can do is witness, warn people, and continue to watch the news and do our research to see where we may be in the scheme of things. Like, what prophesies are being or have already been fulfilled.
Be careful though! A man posted on a blog that people should search "Project Megiddo." This was a report by the FBI to keep a watch for people like us (cult-like religions and right wing "terrorists") who believe that the year 2000 ushered in the beginning of the end of the world. I don't know about the yr 2000 but the end of the world is definitely coming. Point is they think that we are going to become violent to help usher in the end of the world!!! Are you kidding me?! We don't believe that! If I remember correctly it is the "radical muslims" that believe that.... you know the ones who were to blame for 9/11!!!! But ever since Obama has become president we are not allowed to use the term terror against that group of people!!! Instead people who are right-wing Christians are "domestic terrorists" now just bc they had PEACEFUL protests on April 15th(Tea Parties). So, it has already started and has been in the works for a while, that if anyone opposes Obama they will be looked at as crazy, right wing nut jobs, racists, or terrorists. But don't forget.... our God is the victor!
****This is a comment on one of the posts from: Barack Obama This guy seems to have so much information and we need to start looking into it.***********
Aerylon has left a new comment on the post "CNN: Obama and Gordon Brown want New World Order":
Barack O'Prompter, Harry Reed and Nancy Pelosi. Other than the obvious, there is one government "head" missing from the puzzle. And, the Healer has not been made known either.
Or if he has it is well hidden.
UFO Sightings and Abductions up 19.3 % since 2007. (Just because we dont know what the
UFO's are, dont make em Aliens.
The Talk of the one world Market and Government. RFID Chips and I could go on and on.
Child rape and murder up 37 % world wide. Abortions up 10.3 percent since DECEMBER 08!
Divorce rating goes up to 91.3 percent in the US alone. two years ago at this time it was 77.4 percent.
People everywhere in the world except "die hard" brain washed Obama Knights knows something is wrong. But they cant figure it out. The bail outs are only a SMALL PART of it.
Go to and look for the terms "Project Megiddo" (Megiddo is the Prophecies' last battle field between Jesus and Lucifer's Armies.)
Look up Daniel Hannan on Youtube. Watch him tell off Minister Brown. Someone finally broke the silence.
Amero Coins are now out. I sold one on Ebay a month ago for 1200 US Dollars.
Israel is gearing for a war. And not the usual ones they involved with either.
Gay Marriage is back, like a bad penny.
Mexico seizes the Juarez Border crossing to put a stop to 8 people being killed DAILY. And 3 times more than that in abductions. That was two weeks ago.
Canada is the only county on our side of the world not wanting the World Governing Body. The scriptures mention 3 who will Oppose His Authority. One North, One East, and one on the West Hemispheres respectively.
The "Shadow" People (AKA Shadow Government)
Illuminati: Scientists that date back to Ancient Greece.
Freemasons: We all know who they are, 'nough said.There are three. Anyone care to guess the last one?
When I brought up the LHC last year, a bunch of you laughed at me. Well it was in the news again the other day. US Government wants to "Shield" the planet from Gamma radiation, and excessive heat, never mind the fact its 35 degrees outside where I am when it is supposed to be 60-85 range.The LHC is capable of manipulating an Electro-Magnetic Current the size of a planet. At one quater of 1 percent power they will use it to "launch" Sulfur and similar chemicals mixed to combine so when they hit high atmo, it spreads like a forest fire. Can we say Acid Rain?
Glenn Beck of FOX NEWS is on to who what Obama might be. Watch him closely. This all leads to many possible ends, or that we are all crazy. There is one end that interests me.
Obama is doing all of these things within the first hundred days for two reasons: 1: If he is the Antichrist, he knows his time is short. and 2: He is consolidating his power. All of it. Right now.
Who knows maybe i am nutso. I dont know anymore.
I do know this though, The Israeli Christian Ministries there contacted me DIRECTLY. Why? They want copies of my research. Some of these men are a part of the Conservative movement, the real one, in Israel. I have no names, as none were given, and I asked for none.
The Obama Youth: MUST participate between ages 18 and 25 for 2 or 3 years of service....Mandatory. That is straight from Geitner. Only to be discounted a week later. They did so out of political expediency. But it will be Mandatory.
The Obama Civilian Coalition: Fancy name for a the largest and fastest growing Militia in the world. Also Mandatory from 23 to 30. That last one has not passed in the House yet, but the Youth one has already been passed.
Watch a Movie called 1984, George Orwell. Because the thought police are soon coming. VERY soon.
Finally, watch for the invasion of Israel. That too is coming.
Think its bad now? Just sit back and watch and wait. The worst is yet to come.
I found modern references to Ancient Babylon, and her "Gods" whom are worshipped by the Underlining Government. The Owl, and the Minotaur. AKA Molech and Malcolm. If you dont know them, research em.
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