Many people have been talking about NLP.
This is a type of "conversational" hypnosis, developed by Dr. Milton Erickson M.D, that can be used on people without there knowledge while they are awake. "Obama's techniques are the height of deception and psychological manipulation, remaining hidden because one must understand the science behind the language patterns in order to spot them."(An Examination of Obama's Use of Hidden Hypnosis...) So in other words he is deceiving us into loving him. That is exactly what Nicolea Carpathia(Antichrist) does in the "Left Behind" books. He stares deep into peoples eyes and brainwashes them.
This is a type of "conversational" hypnosis, developed by Dr. Milton Erickson M.D, that can be used on people without there knowledge while they are awake. "Obama's techniques are the height of deception and psychological manipulation, remaining hidden because one must understand the science behind the language patterns in order to spot them."(An Examination of Obama's Use of Hidden Hypnosis...) So in other words he is deceiving us into loving him. That is exactly what Nicolea Carpathia(Antichrist) does in the "Left Behind" books. He stares deep into peoples eyes and brainwashes them.
I printed out this 60 page report and started reading, then it came to me. Does it really matter how he's doing it? We all know that he is the Antichrist and is deceptive, so does it really matter what the technique he uses is? It is obvious that we (Christians) are being protected from his hypnosis by God?
We are passed the physical things and are into the supernatural. The techniques of his manipulation are proven, yes, but did he study this way of hypnosis and become a master at it or do you think he is being used as a puppet by the evil one, or even by God to fulfill his plan? No matter which one is true we are obviously being protected by God. Have we studied this technique of manipulation or are we so far above everyone else intellectually that we know how to NOT be hypnotised? No. So God must be shielding some people from it and giving others feelings to go towards it(Obama).
I guess my point is, lets not get caught up in the minutia and instead let's focus on the more global picture in relation to the scriptures and prophecies.
Thanks for posting about NLP on your site, although I wish you would have posted the links so people can check it out for themselves. While some people do see the hypnotic effect Obama has on people, there are many who do not. There are supporters who are offended by the mere suggestion that they have been hypnotized, and there are people who are not supporters but haven't got on to his tricks yet. The point i n discovering the truth about how Obama is manipulating people is to help more people understand what is going on. Isn't the whole point to convince as many people as possible to turn toward God and not be deceived? I would think the proof that Obama is using a deceptive technique such as NLP would be a wake up call to anyone who heard the facts about it, but for some reason the media isn't covering it: not even on Fox. Please at least consider adding the links to your post so that people can check it out and decide for themselves whether or not it is important. Thanks and keep up the great work :)
the media owns the brains of the population. Do the research on who owns all of our media outlets. There will be only one word that comes to light and that is Globalist. They own us and Im afraid its to late. The one thing that still holds us together is our right to bear arms.Once they take that right away from us it is over and will create a disaster such as a small nuke attack on our soil. There will be martial law and will disarm us by force.