Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Things Seem Slow Right Now

When Obama first won the Presidency there was a surplus of information that helped to prove his identity as the Antichrist. People were calling him the Messiah left and right, all of his shady relationships came out (Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers...) and he was rapidly planning a global government. Well, since then there has been a lull, not much has seemed to be happening. I mean his is screwing over Israel, not standing with the Iranians who are dying for a free democratic society, and siding with Castro and Chavez to support a rouge dictator from Honduras who was forced out of his post by his army precisely because her was a dictator!

However it seems that there is just a trickle of information coming down now but don't loose faith! If you read my story you know that I was shown ahead of time many things that were to happen in my life and everything I was told would happen did! I was also "told" that Obama is the Antichrist! So things may seem to be slowing down for now but do not think that he is not what many of us know he is. Do not be fooled!! Even though things are lagging remember to stay away from what he wants/demands people to do.

Although we see a lull I am positive there is still plenty of "work" going on behind the scenes that is still keeping this thing in motion. If you don't believe me or aren't sure what you think anymore just pray about the situation and God will reveal the truth.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Massive Global Unrest!

Things are starting to get crazy!!!

As I'm sure you all know, Iran is in the middle of media black-out because of all of the demonstrators and protestors. Iranian citizens are being killed for trying to gain their freedom (basic human rights)! The crazy thing is that many news anchors are saying that this- uprising in Iran- is what Obama called the muslim world to do! He obiously didn't say to riot but he did call them to stand up for human rights.

Things in Pakistan and Afghanistan are still crazy because of the Taliban.

The crime has skyrocketed in Mexico because of the the drug cartels (even more resently the crime rate has sharply increased).

North Korea is trying to see if their long range missles can reach Hawaii. They are also saying that we(US) have threatened nuclear war against them! We said that they need to stop testing missles and stay away from nuclear weapons or else we would be forced to act and now they are saying that we said that we are going to have a nuclear war with them!

There has been a recent spike in violence in Iraq as we are pulling out.

The WHO has declared that the Swinw Flu is now a global pandemic. While the country/world is on a level 6 (global pandemic) the President is allowed to call for Marshall Law. Hopefully that won't happen this soon(since the antichrist is in a position of power) but the possibility is now there.
Im sure there are plenty other places in the world that are in turmoil right now that I am not even aware of!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

This Video Is Also Very Good!

Short and sweet.... just the way I like it?

This Info Is Amazing!!!

These two seem to be telling us how it's all going to start (tribulation oppression of groups resistant to the Antichris(Obama))

You have to watch all 5 pts!

This info will blow your mind!!