As I'm sure you all know, Iran is in the middle of media black-out because of all of the demonstrators and protestors. Iranian citizens are being killed for trying to gain their freedom (basic human rights)! The crazy thing is that many news anchors are saying that this- uprising in Iran- is what Obama called the muslim world to do! He obiously didn't say to riot but he did call them to stand up for human rights.

North Korea is trying to see if their long range missles can reach Hawaii. They are also saying that we(US) have threatened nuclear war against them! We said that they need to stop testing missles and stay away from nuclear weapons or else we would be forced to act and now they are saying that we said that we are going to have a nuclear war with them!

The WHO has declared that the Swinw Flu is now a global pandemic. While the country/world is on a level 6 (global pandemic) the President is allowed to call for Marshall Law. Hopefully that won't happen this soon(since the antichrist is in a position of power) but the possibility is now there.
Im sure there are plenty other places in the world that are in turmoil right now that I am not even aware of!
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