Thursday, February 12, 2009


To all of the sceptics I am not an "evangelical loon" that is just sitting around waiting for the end of the world because I have no life. NO, I LOVE my life! Yes, I am a bible believing christian but I am not ready for this either. I have children who I want to see have their own children, I have a great job, a wonderful husband, and a supportive family. I was given this information because IT IS TRUE! We all just need to trust that Gods plan for us is better than our own. Believing without seeing is what faith is.
To The People That Think This Is CRAZY:
People that don't want to believe this need to check themselves instead of writing off me and others who believe this as "wack jobs." What does it say about you "Obama Followers" that you are so lost that you look to a HUMAN to save you!? You guys need to assess yourself before you come at us. And to those who call themselves "Christians" and are "Obama Followers" .... you are NOT christians! God is letting his people know. All of the christians that I know either know that this is true or have felt that something is just OFF. If you were a true follower of Jesus you would have gotten the memo but apparently you are happy to remain in your ignorant bliss. Thats fine but stop bringing the name of MY savior down with your idol worship!
To People That Know That What I Am Saying Is True:
Don't let the people in the "Obama Trance" scare you! We are right! If they choose to follow him well, then they will be doing so all the way down to hell. Stand up for what you know is true! Besides if you do your research you will have more evidendce against him than they will ever have for him. All they can say is that he's gonna bring "change" and "hope" but ask most of them to back that up with facts and they will not be able to produce! STAY STRONG!


  1. Wow! This is crazy! If anyone has any doubt they should definately read this!

  2. I'm not looking to Obama to save my soul. I'm looking to him to at least start back on the right track to fix the US economy.
    You're fxxing delusional if you actually think Obama supporters worship him.
