The Truth About Barack Obama
“The TRUTH will set you free”
How This All Started
Let me set the stage for you. When I was 18 years old I was “told” of events that were to happen in my life. Now, when I say “told” I do not mean that I went to some sort of fortune teller because I did not, and no I don’t hear voices, don’t worry I’m not crazy. Have you ever had a thought that popped into your head out of no where or an overwhelming feeling about something that you just could not shake? Well it was a series of things like that. When it first started I just knew it was God. This whole experience went on for about 2 weeks. I was “prophesying” like it says in the bible in many different places that when god puts his spirit on people they begin to prophesy.
“The TRUTH will set you free”
How This All Started
Let me set the stage for you. When I was 18 years old I was “told” of events that were to happen in my life. Now, when I say “told” I do not mean that I went to some sort of fortune teller because I did not, and no I don’t hear voices, don’t worry I’m not crazy. Have you ever had a thought that popped into your head out of no where or an overwhelming feeling about something that you just could not shake? Well it was a series of things like that. When it first started I just knew it was God. This whole experience went on for about 2 weeks. I was “prophesying” like it says in the bible in many different places that when god puts his spirit on people they begin to prophesy.
The Prophesy
I was “told” that I was going to parallel my mothers life. My mother had a male child at age 16.
I was told:
- that I would become pregnant as a teenager
- the child would be a boy
- 2 would be a very significant number
- that the father and I would get married
- that I would continue to parallel my moms life
- this son that I was going to have would play a very important part in the end of the
- China would be in the forefront
- President of the United States
Well, after I was told all of this I went back to acting “normal”. I broke up with my boyfriend because I was totally freaked out about getting pregnant and was hoping that I was just crazy and had had some kind of manic period or something.
Prophesy Fulfilled
About a year later I started dating this guy who attended the same college as me. We were dating for 2 months. Being stupid and sinful I decided to have sex with him 2 times (protected both times and nothing had visibly gone wrong). We stopped seeing each other and 2 weeks later I found out that I was pregnant! I found out on my 20th birthday! I had not made it out of being a teenager without becoming pregnant.
- It was a boy
- I had him on 11/22 at 12:22am and he was 22” long!
Now, at this time I was freaked out! I thought that it was all just a weird coincidence and that it would end there. Remember I was told that the father and I would get married but we had broken up 2 weeks before I even found out I was pregnant. I only saw him ONE time during my whole pregnancy but he was there for the labor. So I am thinking okay well this is not going to happen. Well when our son was 8 months old we started dating. During our time dating I told him about what I was “told” and it was a little scary for him but he could not deny that everything had happened. When ever we went away with his parents the hotel number across the hall would be 22 or the house across the street would be 222. It was so overwhelming that he could not deny it and because of that we got married on April 22nd.
Back to paralleling my mother.
About a year later I started dating this guy who attended the same college as me. We were dating for 2 months. Being stupid and sinful I decided to have sex with him 2 times (protected both times and nothing had visibly gone wrong). We stopped seeing each other and 2 weeks later I found out that I was pregnant! I found out on my 20th birthday! I had not made it out of being a teenager without becoming pregnant.
- It was a boy
- I had him on 11/22 at 12:22am and he was 22” long!
Now, at this time I was freaked out! I thought that it was all just a weird coincidence and that it would end there. Remember I was told that the father and I would get married but we had broken up 2 weeks before I even found out I was pregnant. I only saw him ONE time during my whole pregnancy but he was there for the labor. So I am thinking okay well this is not going to happen. Well when our son was 8 months old we started dating. During our time dating I told him about what I was “told” and it was a little scary for him but he could not deny that everything had happened. When ever we went away with his parents the hotel number across the hall would be 22 or the house across the street would be 222. It was so overwhelming that he could not deny it and because of that we got married on April 22nd.
Back to paralleling my mother.
-Well, she had her 2nd child,
- It was a girl (me)
- on April 5th
- at age 26.
I had my:
- 2nd child
- which was a girl
- on April 5th
- at age 26
Once again I thought that this whole thing was really cool but would end there. At the time I didn’t see how the end of the world stuff would come true so I just kind of ignored that.
Enter OBAMA:
So to give you some back round on my feelings about the election in the beginning, I wanted to vote for Obama. I am white, but for some reason I always felt drawn to the struggle that African-Americans face in the US and all around the world! I feel that they are judged before people even meet them and that they were basically dealt a crappy hand and it sucks! I have always gotten along with black girls better than white girls when I was growing up so when I saw a black man running for President I was there! I am a republican, mostly because of the abortion issue, but I was going to put my partisanship (morals) aside to make sure a black man was elected.
One day while I was washing the dishes and listening to the radio I heard that the PA primaries would be held on April 22nd and out of no where I got a terrible drop in my stomach like I was going down a hill on a roller coaster! So I immediately thought that something bad was going to happen with this election. It didn't even cross my mind that any of the candidates were the "antichrist", I just knew something wasn't right. I still continued to watch MSNBC and follow the campaign but was curious to see what was going to happen. Have you ever watched somebody put on a “front” (an act) and everyone seemed to be fooled by them, and think that they were awesome, but you could see right through them?
Well, one day I was watching MSNBC and it was like my eyes were opened and I could see right through his act! I went from wanting to vote for Barack to knowing, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was the antichrist. Then it all started happening again, God was “speaking” to me and he was letting me know that Obama was/is the Anti Christ! Then all of a sudden the second half of the prophecy from when I was 18 made sense! China was in the forefront because of the Beijing Olympics and the Anti Christ was running for president of the United States!! As it says in Acts 2 “in those times (end times) I will pour my spirit out on my people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams…..”
So to give you some back round on my feelings about the election in the beginning, I wanted to vote for Obama. I am white, but for some reason I always felt drawn to the struggle that African-Americans face in the US and all around the world! I feel that they are judged before people even meet them and that they were basically dealt a crappy hand and it sucks! I have always gotten along with black girls better than white girls when I was growing up so when I saw a black man running for President I was there! I am a republican, mostly because of the abortion issue, but I was going to put my partisanship (morals) aside to make sure a black man was elected.
One day while I was washing the dishes and listening to the radio I heard that the PA primaries would be held on April 22nd and out of no where I got a terrible drop in my stomach like I was going down a hill on a roller coaster! So I immediately thought that something bad was going to happen with this election. It didn't even cross my mind that any of the candidates were the "antichrist", I just knew something wasn't right. I still continued to watch MSNBC and follow the campaign but was curious to see what was going to happen. Have you ever watched somebody put on a “front” (an act) and everyone seemed to be fooled by them, and think that they were awesome, but you could see right through them?
Well, one day I was watching MSNBC and it was like my eyes were opened and I could see right through his act! I went from wanting to vote for Barack to knowing, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was the antichrist. Then it all started happening again, God was “speaking” to me and he was letting me know that Obama was/is the Anti Christ! Then all of a sudden the second half of the prophecy from when I was 18 made sense! China was in the forefront because of the Beijing Olympics and the Anti Christ was running for president of the United States!! As it says in Acts 2 “in those times (end times) I will pour my spirit out on my people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams…..”
Finally, after 7 years I understood why he told me about my son’s birth and other specific events that were to happen in my life. He gave me that information because he wanted me to know who it was that was "speaking" to me and that what I was told WOULD happen. I was given this second message when my son was turning 7, which is the number of completion in the bible. All the information that was given to me was based around his birth and his turning 7. Now I don't know if that was the big part that my son would play in the end of the world or if there is a bigger part to come.
After I had been given this information I got a call from a long time friend whom I've known for 20 years. She is a mother of four and does not make allot of money. She has needed some significant help from the government in her life and because of that she is 100% democrat. She went to go vote and as she was pulling into the parking lot of the polling station she got an overwhelming feeling to NOT vote! Because this made no sense, she told me that she sat there in the parking lot for 30 minutes trying to overcome this feeling so she could go vote, but she couldn't. She told me that the feeling was so overwhelming that it won! She knew that she could not take part in the election but had no idea why. If I had any doubt about what I was told, which I didn't, this was the confirmation that I needed. Ever since then we have discussed it and have speculated on how it might all play out based on the prophesies in the book of Revelation and other books in the bible that speak of the "end times." Everything we have discussed is just our interpretations of scripture, the only thing we know for SURE is that Obama IS the antichrist!
Every Generation Thinks They Are The Last: Why This Is Different
(when speaking about what it says in the bible I am paraphrasing but it is all in Revelation so you can see for yourself if you’d like)
Now, every generation seems to think that they are the last generation and many people have been accused of being the antichrist. Hitler was one of many thought to be "him" and with good reason. People thought he was the antichrist because he was evil, which the antichrist will be, but it says in the bible that the antichrist will come preaching peace and unity and that he will not “show his teeth” until after everyone is under his “spell”. Also the world was fighting Hitler, but it says in the bible that the Kings of the earth will give “him” their power; One World Order. So as you can see it would make sense why people would think that Hitler was the antichrist because of his actions but it is clear that the bible does not describe the antichrist as being a person who would be fought and overcome by the world, only by God.
I was “given” all of this information before I really knew anything about Obama. I just knew he was black and so I wanted him to win, which is sadly the only information that most people still know! I did not know that he was preaching peace and unity.
(when speaking about what it says in the bible I am paraphrasing but it is all in Revelation so you can see for yourself if you’d like)
Now, every generation seems to think that they are the last generation and many people have been accused of being the antichrist. Hitler was one of many thought to be "him" and with good reason. People thought he was the antichrist because he was evil, which the antichrist will be, but it says in the bible that the antichrist will come preaching peace and unity and that he will not “show his teeth” until after everyone is under his “spell”. Also the world was fighting Hitler, but it says in the bible that the Kings of the earth will give “him” their power; One World Order. So as you can see it would make sense why people would think that Hitler was the antichrist because of his actions but it is clear that the bible does not describe the antichrist as being a person who would be fought and overcome by the world, only by God.
I was “given” all of this information before I really knew anything about Obama. I just knew he was black and so I wanted him to win, which is sadly the only information that most people still know! I did not know that he was preaching peace and unity.
- It speaks in the bible about “his (antichrist's) sun rising” which means his rise to political power, well Obama's symbol is a rising sun!
- It says in the bible that the Antichrist will have amazing speaking skills and will be able to bring people together and basically mesmerize them. We know about Obamas amazing speaking skills and his ability to draw people together. When he went to Berlin he drew an enormous crowd and people wanted just to be able to touch him!
- It also says that they will think that the antichrist is the Messiah, the second coming of Christ. We all know that people look to Obama for “hope” and treat him as if he is a God! Not just people in the US, but people all around the world are looking to Obama to change things and make the world a better place! They truly believe that he has some kind supernatural power! This makes no sense because the man hasn’t even done anything that would make people think that he was going to change things for the better. And actually everything that he has done so far has been bad, not good!!!! It’s rather creepy and even seems supernatural that people are so drawn to him.
How it MAY Play Out
Remember it says in the bible that the Kings of the earth will give him (antichrist) their power which means that he would be the head of a One World Order or One World Government. Different leaders all over the world are calling for One World Order and the whole world is looking to Obama for change and leadership so it makes sense that they would put him in charge. Remember, I was “told” that Obama was the Antichrist before I knew any of this about him! Since I have been told about him everything has been unfolding just the way it says it will all over the bible.
For some reason God has chosen to give me the job of warning people about this, probably because he knows that I’m crazy enough to do it! Everything that I was told the first time around happened to a “T” so I would be foolish to believe that what I was told this time wouldn’t happen. And like I said, ever since I have been "told" it has been unfolding. Now, I don’t know any time frames, it says in the bible that we are not to know the time. All I know for sure is that Obama is the Antichrist!
Now, it speaks in the bible about how the antichrist (the beast) will be put in charge of the world and that after that happens that he will set himself up in the temple (original temple in Israel) and claim himself as God and demand that people worship him. People already think he is God, and he is an arrogant man, so if he is successful in his Presidency I can definitely see this happening. It also says that those who refuse to worship or take his mark would be put to death!
The “Mark Of The Beast”
Now, it says in the bible that without the “mark of the beast” people would not be permitted to "buy or sell." If you go to www.barackobamaantichrist.blogspot.com (which is an awesome site and is very informative) they are speaking there of the RFID chip which is becoming required around the world, for different reasons in different parts of the world. They are trying to link the RFID chip to ATM and banking facilities to be used for financial purposes. So if this happens and they require people to have the chip implanted (in the hand or forehead) a person that did not have the chip would not be permitted to buy or sell. Now, I don’t know for sure if this is the “mark” but keep your eye out for things like that.
The Rapture/Second Chance
Many believe that there will be a “rapture” because of its reference in the book of Matthew. If there is a rapture (I hope there is) Gods people are supposed to be taken off of the earth so we don’t have to suffer the terrible torture and destruction that will be taking place here. Now, it does not say if the rapture would be before or after the persecution of those who will not take “the mark” begins. It does say in the bible that a certain amount of blood needs to be shed in Christ’s name before he returns and has his full vengeance. So if you wake up one day and there are millions of people missing that seemed to have just disappeared then you missed the rapture and things are about to get worse than anything this world has EVER seen before. But be thankful because you have a second chance! When you die you don’t get a second chance you either go to heaven or hell, but if you miss the rapture and you know that what I am saying is true you can still be saved from hell. If you stand firm in resisting the beast and stay faithful to Christ you will be persecuted and killed but because of you steadfastness you will be saved!
Like I said before I do not have any sort of time frame. This could all happen 20 years from now or three years from now, it all depends on how quickly things move (which has already been determined by God). Like I said before the only thing that I know for sure is that Obama is the antichrist and will be the one that leads to all of this destruction. Now you may be wondering what can I do to not be condemned with him? Well, if you are already a Christian make sure your walk and relationship with Christ is strong. Resist Obama and what he is trying to do. Things may get better before they get worse but don’t be fooled! If you are not a Christian please listen to me; Jesus Christ IS the son of God! He is the ONLY way that you can get into heaven! No human is sinless and the wages of sin is death! Jesus came to earth as God in human form. He lived a perfect life so that he could be the perfect sacrifice so that our sins could be pardoned! God cannot look at sin but if you accept the gift of his sons sacrifice and accept him as your personal savior God will see Jesus when he looks at you and you will be saved.
I know that this is TONS of information to take in at once and I don’t expect you to necessarily believe it immediately. I feel my job is to warn people and I have done that and will continue to try to reach people. Just pray about the situation and then make your decision whether to believe this or not. If you need more information about how the end times are going to go down read Revelations, parts of Daniel, Isaiah, parts of Matthew, among other books of the bible. Do your research! Watch liberal media outlets like NBC, CBS, MSNBC but also watch conservative stations such as Fox News Channel and listen to conservative talk show hosts such as Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. Get both sides of the story politically so you can see how things are progressing. Keep checking in at http://www.obamaantichrist.blogspot.com/ because there is new information posted all the time that keeps you up to date on situations around the world. If you have any questions about what Jesus did for us read the Gospels (Matthew , Mark, Luke John). Keep watching and keep praying.
God Bless You
How it MAY Play Out
Remember it says in the bible that the Kings of the earth will give him (antichrist) their power which means that he would be the head of a One World Order or One World Government. Different leaders all over the world are calling for One World Order and the whole world is looking to Obama for change and leadership so it makes sense that they would put him in charge. Remember, I was “told” that Obama was the Antichrist before I knew any of this about him! Since I have been told about him everything has been unfolding just the way it says it will all over the bible.
For some reason God has chosen to give me the job of warning people about this, probably because he knows that I’m crazy enough to do it! Everything that I was told the first time around happened to a “T” so I would be foolish to believe that what I was told this time wouldn’t happen. And like I said, ever since I have been "told" it has been unfolding. Now, I don’t know any time frames, it says in the bible that we are not to know the time. All I know for sure is that Obama is the Antichrist!
Now, it speaks in the bible about how the antichrist (the beast) will be put in charge of the world and that after that happens that he will set himself up in the temple (original temple in Israel) and claim himself as God and demand that people worship him. People already think he is God, and he is an arrogant man, so if he is successful in his Presidency I can definitely see this happening. It also says that those who refuse to worship or take his mark would be put to death!
The “Mark Of The Beast”
Now, it says in the bible that without the “mark of the beast” people would not be permitted to "buy or sell." If you go to www.barackobamaantichrist.blogspot.com (which is an awesome site and is very informative) they are speaking there of the RFID chip which is becoming required around the world, for different reasons in different parts of the world. They are trying to link the RFID chip to ATM and banking facilities to be used for financial purposes. So if this happens and they require people to have the chip implanted (in the hand or forehead) a person that did not have the chip would not be permitted to buy or sell. Now, I don’t know for sure if this is the “mark” but keep your eye out for things like that.
The Rapture/Second Chance
Many believe that there will be a “rapture” because of its reference in the book of Matthew. If there is a rapture (I hope there is) Gods people are supposed to be taken off of the earth so we don’t have to suffer the terrible torture and destruction that will be taking place here. Now, it does not say if the rapture would be before or after the persecution of those who will not take “the mark” begins. It does say in the bible that a certain amount of blood needs to be shed in Christ’s name before he returns and has his full vengeance. So if you wake up one day and there are millions of people missing that seemed to have just disappeared then you missed the rapture and things are about to get worse than anything this world has EVER seen before. But be thankful because you have a second chance! When you die you don’t get a second chance you either go to heaven or hell, but if you miss the rapture and you know that what I am saying is true you can still be saved from hell. If you stand firm in resisting the beast and stay faithful to Christ you will be persecuted and killed but because of you steadfastness you will be saved!
Like I said before I do not have any sort of time frame. This could all happen 20 years from now or three years from now, it all depends on how quickly things move (which has already been determined by God). Like I said before the only thing that I know for sure is that Obama is the antichrist and will be the one that leads to all of this destruction. Now you may be wondering what can I do to not be condemned with him? Well, if you are already a Christian make sure your walk and relationship with Christ is strong. Resist Obama and what he is trying to do. Things may get better before they get worse but don’t be fooled! If you are not a Christian please listen to me; Jesus Christ IS the son of God! He is the ONLY way that you can get into heaven! No human is sinless and the wages of sin is death! Jesus came to earth as God in human form. He lived a perfect life so that he could be the perfect sacrifice so that our sins could be pardoned! God cannot look at sin but if you accept the gift of his sons sacrifice and accept him as your personal savior God will see Jesus when he looks at you and you will be saved.
I know that this is TONS of information to take in at once and I don’t expect you to necessarily believe it immediately. I feel my job is to warn people and I have done that and will continue to try to reach people. Just pray about the situation and then make your decision whether to believe this or not. If you need more information about how the end times are going to go down read Revelations, parts of Daniel, Isaiah, parts of Matthew, among other books of the bible. Do your research! Watch liberal media outlets like NBC, CBS, MSNBC but also watch conservative stations such as Fox News Channel and listen to conservative talk show hosts such as Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. Get both sides of the story politically so you can see how things are progressing. Keep checking in at http://www.obamaantichrist.blogspot.com/ because there is new information posted all the time that keeps you up to date on situations around the world. If you have any questions about what Jesus did for us read the Gospels (Matthew , Mark, Luke John). Keep watching and keep praying.
God Bless You
Wow I dont think obama is smart enough to be the anti christ, matter of fact i think the guy is over his head being president! could make some sense though with the 2012 bit thats going around. jack vanimpe seems to agree with you. my sister metioned this to me prior to him winning the election. who knows, i hope your right that if we are not taken at the onset we all have a second chance. so you know, i see his guile too.
does the bible not say that the antichrist will have no affection toward woman? how does this explain his wife and kids
ReplyDeleteIm not sure I believe 100% that He IS the AntiChrist, -though strangly that is the first thing that crossed my mind when I first heard of him, and thats what led me to blogs like this one (doing searches on Barack and AntiChrist)-now, Im just not so sure that HE IS... but I do strongly believe that he plays an important part in end time prophesy.... I think my biggest thing is... isnt the AntiChrist suppose to come from somewhere else? hmmm... anyways, Im definately keeping up with current events, and I check Barackobamaantichrist.blogspot.com often
ReplyDeleteIt seems strange that so many people have come to this (obama-antichrist)Idea on there own, maybe theres something to it, but it just doesnt fit with me because I thought antichrist was to come from elsewhere...
I have read Revelation many times along with other books in the bible that speak of the end times and it doesn't say anywhere that the antichrist would not or could not have affection towards people. He may not even be the "antichrist" yet. In Ezekiel there is a story about a King who was a Godly man but at the height of his power Satan entered him because he was full of pride and ambition. Now that could happen or he is just putting on a necessary show just like his preaching of peace when he will really bring destruction.
ReplyDeleteThank you for you openess & honesty. I can see how it is hard to swallow, but when you are shown things by GOD and they come true, who are we to say it is not? I do believe that we have some serious issues with this man (Obama). I am a full blown democrat, always have been, and for the first time in my voting history, I COULD NOT bring myself to vote for this man. I have begged my family to not be entranced by his "Rock Star" status. I have begged of them to research him, to decipher his lies, believe him because you have proof of his words not just because he said them. I am truly scared for my mother. She is very intelligent, very into her bible, and very slow to just "believe" in words- She's an actions sort of woman- And since his very brief time in the public eye- my mother is mesmerized by this man, by his "hope", by his "rising sun".
ReplyDeleteI dont know how to show her that she is being fooled into pulling away from our LORD GOD, and following someone who does not believe in our Heavenly Father. I too, have felt in my soul, that Obama is not the man he says he is. I too have felt that he is an eerie presence, pushing us to follow his way. I was told by a preacher once, "If you give Satan an inch, he will become a ruler." I'm just saying... If The Shoe Fits...
in february 9 2009 i had a vision wiht jesus coming on the clouds of heaven from the east to west and sed i am alpha and omega the first and the last the beginning and the and . come out from the world come to me now.
ReplyDeleteYou all are the reason people turn away from Christianity. You judge people your minds are as narrow as a pencil. You take things out of scripture and interpret it into whichever way you want, all leading to the inability to accept others. Even if Obama isn't the perfect, church-going, bible reading person you are (which might I add, all you are hypocrites), he is still a man worthy of respect and honor. Even if Obama was Muslim, Jewish, or an atheist, why does it matter? People in this world can believe how they wish to and I can truthfully say I believe it's very low for you to judge others because of their beliefs.
ReplyDeleteAll I'm saying is that whoever wrote this and whoever believes Obama is the Antichrist needs to open their minds bit. If you're not Obama's biggest fan, that's fine, but you are an American and no matter whose in charge it's incredibly weak and sad that you can't show support.
Oh and don't feel you can only approve comments that you agree with. This is an open discussion is it not?
ReplyDeleteGreat blog, but would like to see more info/posts. Have you seen the report about Obama and Hypnosis? It is very scary and makes alot of sense. NLP is real, there are tons of internet sites out there promising to teach this so called "leadership skill" which is actual subconcious manipulation. Please check it out and consider posting about it on your main blog page. I am trying to find out other people's take on this issue but can't seem to find anyone else who has actually looked into it. Thanks and keep up the good work. :)