By RYAN J. FOLEY Associated Press Writer
2:42 PM CDT, May 7, 2009
MADISON, Wis. - Wisconsin police can attach GPS to cars to secretly track anybody's movements without obtaining search warrants, an appeals court ruled Thursday.However, the District 4 Court of Appeals said it was "more than a little troubled" by that conclusion and asked Wisconsin lawmakers to regulate GPS use to protect against abuse by police and private individuals.As the law currently stands, the court said police can mount GPS on cars to track people without violating their constitutional rights -- even if the drivers aren't suspects.Officers do not need to get warrants beforehand because GPS tracking does not involve a search or a seizure, Judge Paul Lundsten wrote for the unanimous three-judge panel based in Madison.
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That means "police are seemingly free to secretly track anyone's public movements with a GPS device," he wrote.One privacy advocate said the decision opened the door for greater government surveillance of citizens. Meanwhile, law enforcement officials called the decision a victory for public safety because tracking devices are an increasingly important tool in investigating criminal behavior.
I believe you one hundred percent. I believe that Obama is the antichrist because I, too, have a handy dandy antichrist detector. Its also proof that Nostradamus isn't just some crackhead.
ReplyDeleteI am a single twenty year old woman. I have never had a serious boyfriend because throughout my life I've only loved two men.
The first man I fell in love with very indirectly. It actually started out as a minor crush on a random cartoon character, but I would modify his personality consciously to fit the profile of Napoleon Bonaparte. I did this 100% on purpose, though I knew little about Napoleon. This said cartoon character gave me nightmares that continued to scar me to this day.
When I was fourteen, I was reading a biography on Adolf Hitler, and I thought to myself how much he reminded me of Napoleon. Some gut instinct told me I would fall for him as well. I tried and tried to resist, but in the end, I fell. This was hell especially since my ancestors died in the Holocaust.
Interestingly, the first time I saw Obama, I thought "antichrist." It was my first thought. On and on I would hate him (I went through a similar phase with Hitler). I still hate the rat. I will always hate him, which is why I'm scared to death as I'm typing this. Obama reminds me SO much of Adolf Hitler. SO much. A nagging thought in my mind keeps telling me "He's next." I don't WANT him to be next. Honestly, I would rather kill myself than fall in love with the likes of him.
So, there you have it. The two men I have loved were actually antichrists. And I fear that I shall fall for the third antichrist if I don't do something quickly.
Do you have any advice for me?
ReplyDeleteFirst of all this sounds really strange... I mean I know mine probably sounds pretty crazy to some people too. Why do you think you fall for them? Are you a christian? Maybe, if you are a christian, this is happening to test your faith. I don't really know. He definately is the Antichrist and even if you do "fall" for him... it doesn't mean that you need to follow him. Plenty of people have it bad for people that they know are bad for them, or in this case just plain evil, but they don't follow their feelings, they follow what they know is right. Sometimes when I watch his speeches I have to put my knowledge of what he is over the feeling of being drawn towards his personality. He is very charismatic and that is why he is so popular. So I guess I'm saying even if you fall for him do not do what he wants you to. And of course PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!
I AM a Christian. You guessed correctly. I don't know why I fall for these people. All I knows it scares me silly.
ReplyDeleteAnd I will follow your advice. Thank you.
No problem. Any time. :)