Everyone seems to be asking that question. Why can't some people see all of the obvious signs of what is going on? Well, in the bible it tells us why. In Isaiah chapter 6 an angel of the Lord tells Isaiah to "Go and tell this people: Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never percieving. Make the heart of this people calloused;make their ears dull and close their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes and hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed."(Isaiah 6:9-10)
I know this sounds unfair but we need to trust that God knows better than we do. He knows peoples hearts. I've noticed there are 4 different types of people during this time: there are people who are Christians and know that what we are saying is true, there are Religious leaders and scholars who think they have the bible all figured out and that disagree with what we are saying, there are those who are not Christians and mock us, and there are those who are not Christians but when they are told this they believe and become Chritians.
I work in an inner city school who's population is about 95% African American. This is a job that I got against all odds but I was put here for a reason, to warn people. At first I used political reasons for not liking Obama but in a school full of black students that was not taken very well. After a while students started coming up to me after class and saying that they believe that Obama is the Antichrist. When they would say this to me I then proceeded to tell them my story and the truth about Obama. Since then I have told more and more students and praise the Lord I have not been "caught" yet! As you know it is illegal to speak about religious issues in schools, but I do.There are video cameras in our classrooms and microphones so our conversations can be listened to if necessary. I have told students who believe and students who do not believe but until this day nobody has leaked any information. No one has picked up on what I am saying at all and that alone is a miracle! God obviously placed me in this school bc it was ripe for the harvest. About 200 of my students now know what is going on and know that it is true.
I realized that there were these 4 different types of people through my experiences in telling different people over the past year. Some people I will tell and it will go in one ear and out the other and they remain clueles. Other students aren't even Christians and when they hear it they turn to Christ. I know about the religious leaders through experience. I have tried to tell one of the pastors at my church and he completely blew it off and treated me like I was crazy. I have told my Dad and he believes that he has the bible all figured out and that the Antichrist has to be of Italian decent. Also, I was reading the "Left Behind" books and the authors of those books have gone on record saying that Obama is not the antichrist because he does not exactly fit THEIR interpretation of what he should be so I stopped reading the books because they obviously had not been given the insight that I thought they were.
In this area it seems to be just like when Jesus came the first time. The religious leaders thought they knew better and didn't believe he was the Messiah but the prostitutes and the tax collectors were the ones who believed, followed him, and were saved.
I am just so grateful that the Lord chose to show me things so that I can warn others. I am so thankful that I am one of the people who was protected from Obamas spell and is not lost. Do you know that it says in the bible that not only will God make it so some people can't understand but he will actually give them a strong illusion to go towards the antichrist! Like I said before, we may not understand it and we should still try to warn as many people as possible, but we need to be eternally grateful that we can see the truth!
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